2022-02-12Advantages and applications of wire and cable flexibility

According to the model, it can be roughly divided into the following categories: Flexible control ca……[More]

2022-02-12Application method of electric contact pressure gauge

Electric contact pressure gauges are widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, electric power,……[More]

2022-02-12Correct selection of wear-resistant thermocouple in cement metallurgy industry

In view of the temperature measurement characteristics of the three-stage cylinder, four-stage cylin……[More]

2022-02-12Main composition and structure of pressure gauge

When the pressure gauge is used, it mainly releases the internal pressure to the outside through a h……[More]

2022-02-12Structure and working principle of electric float level gauge

Electric buoy level gauge is a level measuring instrument designed according to Archimedes law and m……[More]

2022-02-12Control method of anti oxidation of cable copper conductor

The atomic number of metallic copper is 29, the density is 8.92g/cm3, and the melting point is 1083.……[More]

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